
Winesave is a premium gas-based wine preservation product that empowers wine lovers to savour their wine wine professionals to save their money.
Winesave consists of 100% high-quality, food-grade argon - an all natural, completely safe, inert gas that is tasteless, colourless, odourless, reacts with absolutely nothing, and most importantly is 2.5 times heavier than air.
Simply insert the specially design ultra-repellent tube into the bottle and press the nozzle for one second.
The argon gas naturally sinks below the air in the bottle and settles just above the surface of the wine, forming an impenetrable barrier between the wine and the oxygen in the air.
Winesave drastically reduces the rate of oxidation and protects your wine from spoilage for days, weeks, and even months.
Winesave is the easiest and most cost effective way to preserve your opened bottles of wine.
Available to wine lovers and professionals anywhere in the world through our official online stores or from hundreds of resellers worldwide.

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20 Bracken Drive
Chigwell IG75RF
Phone: +44 208 500 7607

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